Pet Adoptions
Bringing a pet into your home should never be a ‘spur of the moment’ decision. But, if after careful consideration, you decide that your family is ready to experience the joy that only a pet can bring, adopting from a shelter or rescue group is a rewarding option.
Over the last decade, the number of people adopting pets from animal shelters has doubled – a sure sign that the warm and fuzzy feel-good factor that comes with saving an abandoned pet is gaining real appeal.
But, before you go out and adopt a pet, there are some important considerations you need to make.
If you travel a lot and work long hours away from home, it’s probably not the right time for you to adopt.
If you have a busy daily schedule, then perhaps an adult cat would be a more suited companion for you.
If you’re planning a major lifestyle change, such as a marriage, moving, or a new baby, put your pet adoption plans on hold until things settle down in your life.
Are you prepared to pay for everything your pet needs for the next 10 to 15 years? Food, pet supplies, grooming, and veterinary bills – it can easily add up to thousands of dollars over the lifetime of the pet.